Hello World! 

Hello!  Thanks for visiting our blog. Being that this is our first blog post, I want to take a minute to introduce ourselves.  Copper Cactus Properties, LLC is a family business that is run by Joseph Szabo, his wife Karen Thomas, son Joseph M. Szabo II and daughter-in-law Heidi Szabo.  Together we have a combined 50+ years of real estate experience.  In our blogs I often refer to dad as Joe and son as Joey so I hope you don’t get confused!  Joe and Karen have been flipping houses for almost 20 years.  Though it started off as a little hobby, because Dad is REALLY good at doing handy work and he is very meticulous, it somehow evolved into the idea of turning this into a business.  Four years ago we incorporated Copper Cactus Properties, LLC and since then Joe retired from his job at United Airlines where he worked for 30 years and Karen retired from being a nurse practitioner.  Joey and Heidi continue to work in their fulltime careers, Joey as a Director of Finance and Heidi as a Structural Engineer.  We all play special roles in our business which is attributed by our professional and personal backgrounds.  Joe’s experience with handy work makes him very great at managing contractors and scrutinizing every detail.  Karen has an excellent eye for design and does all the interior design and staging of our homes.  Joey, with this finance background, forecasts renovation budgets and researches market comparables for current pricing conditions, which helps ensure fair pricing.  Heidi, with her engineering background, can determine when existing conditions are not acceptable and determine what changes are needed to ensure structural feasibleness.  Together we created a powerful team that can make beautiful homes of high quality to home buyers.  Thanks for taking the time to get to know us.  I hope you keep following us and become of a fan of our work!

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